Have you noticed how highly science is praised in this generation. At first impression it almost seems like we are pretty intellectual. But my theory is that science has become the latest trend, but it doesn't make the people talking about it scientists any more than the pacifier craze actually made highschoolers infants. Well what can I say, the science that these famous atheists are best at is sociology. It doesn't matter if every individual can choose whether or not media effects them, stastically with such a large group of people under there influence they can come up with a reasonably accurate number of the people that they can control. (We are talking people like Seth MacFarland and the like) I guess they have some math skills to, Stastics and probability can be pretty tough. Well hey we are all trying to forge our identity in this crazy confusing world; after all without a cause what are we? Just a ship wandering aimlessy through the sea of time towards no certain destination but death. Hey they are good at marketing too! That's supply and demand! If you can tell a man by his enemies what kind of man is it that is an enemy of God? Well I guess the thought is that whether he is good or bad he is at least a significant person. Hey who wouldn't want to be? Not to mention someone with conviction- "You are going against God... are you sure that's a good idea... okay if you say so." The problem is that there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. The other problem is it doesn't make you cool to go against someone just because they are powerful, otherwise the guy who shot Martin Luther King would be a hero (well maybe he is to some.) All it really makes you is a jerk and a false accuser. But while these rich folk standing at the steering whell of social engineering may know a little bit of science for the the most part the masses can rightly be called the ignorant masses. All they know is Atheist battle cries like "Evolution is a proven fact." But they never really thought about it in detail.  You know what's crazy I was just about to say off the top of my head I always felt like the guy who writes Dilbert was someone who believed in evolution, but actually thought about (therefore making him more skeptical) But when I looked it up on Google trying to find some skepticism I was super happy to see that he is now aware of how much a racket it is. I'm convinced more people will be as well once they learn how to think critically. Infact I would like to quote Scott Adams with the Thesis (if there is one) of this whole entry- "What I’m saying is that the evidence for evolution that is available to the casual person of interest, including most students, is simplified to the point of being misleading, false, or useless. " http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog/2007/09/fossils-still-b.html When's the last time you heard a highschooler talking about the physics of heat transfer, or the shortcomings in our quest to build a fusion reactor, or how about the fact that we can actually create gold now. When people talk about science in modern day america they ussually mean evolution and the big bang- unproven, useless and a waste of time. But they don't even really understand these theories in detail.